Start your legal journey here! Welcome to the University of Maine School of Law online community. We hope to provide you with the practical information you’re looking for, while also giving you a sense of our values and the unique personality of Maine Law.

By design, our Law School is one of the smallest in the country. We take pride in providing the personal attention few schools can match, a focus on hands-on learning, and a world-class faculty drawn to our incredible setting on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

We believe it’s time to reimagine what a law school can be. This means engaging with communities outside of our building and outside our comfort zones. It means renewing our commitment to public service, and standing up for justice, rather than watching from a safe distance. It means collaborating with other institutions of higher education, industry, and nonprofit organizations to help solve complex problems, from economic development in rural Maine, to civil rights in developing nations. It’s a vision that calls on us to break down old barriers.

This expansive approach to legal education is connecting Maine Law to new public and private partners throughout Maine, New England, and beyond. For our graduates, it’s an approach that translates into more opportunities.

From the moment of enrollment, we focus on developing your pathways to employment. You will have access to one-on-one support from faculty, staff, and mentors throughout your time at Maine Law, and the backing of a strong alumni network for the duration of your career. And you will practice socially responsible entrepreneurism as well as lawyering, while obtaining the tools you need to be a leader in the legal profession, in public or non-governmental organizations, in private industry, in pursuit of the public interest, or any other field of your choosing.

Maine is the ideal place for our brand of personalized legal education. Portland offers the culture, entertainment, and economic activity of a larger city, while keeping its small city feel. The surprising diversity reflects the changing face of Maine and the nation. Portland is home to a vibrant and growing multicultural population.

We invite you to contact us or come for a visit. Attend classes. Talk with our students. Explore Portland. See what makes Maine Law dynamic. We look forward to welcoming you.