The Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic, established in 1970, provides free legal aid to low-income individuals and families in Maine. One of the oldest clinics of its kind in the nation, the Clinic represents a defining program of Maine Law, providing practical skills training for students and helping fulfill the school’s long-standing commitment to social justice. The Clinic’s mission is two-fold. Law students receive intensive, hands-on experience as they represent real clients, and the community benefits from increased access to justice for all, regardless of wealth or status.
The centers at Maine Law – the Center for Oceans and Coastal Law and the Center for Youth Policy and Law– help to drive research and public policy development in Maine and beyond. Scholars from around the world are engaged in a number of projects through the centers, in areas of law ranging from maritime security to data privacy.
The problems our students help solve are intense and complex, from helping immigrants seek political asylum, working on cutting-edge privacy policy, or representing indigent clients before Maine’s highest court.