“It is the emergency we’re facing in terms of reproductive justice that prompted me to actually start thinking seriously about a legal career,”
Ashley Bliss ’26
Franconia, NH
“One thing I noticed early on about Maine Law is how much they care about each student, individually. Taking the time to match me with the perfect mentor is just one example of that. The mentorship has been incredibly helpful in the lead-up to the semester,”
“The fact that Maine Law is plugged into the immigrant rights scene in Portland and the state is huge for me,”
Viv Daniel ’26
Brooklyn, NY
“Helping our population of immigrants in Maine remain here and thrive here is really important to me. I’m really enthusiastic about the experiential learning options available through the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic and an annual trip students take to Loredo, TX to assist immigrants at the border.” amazed by the minds and the questions and the diversity of viewpoints that surround me daily at Maine Law.”
Jordan Hernandez ’26
Alfond Ambassador
Bangor, ME
“I want to have a positive impact on the world and law school feels like the right tool to do what I want with my life,”
“I chose Maine Law for the kinds of opportunities they offer for those who want to follow a path in any kind of public interest law.”
Elizabeth O’Connor ’25
Portland, ME
“I’m amazed by the minds and the questions and the diversity of viewpoints that surround me daily at Maine Law.”
Gabriel Siwady ’25
McKusick Diversity Fellow