In order to compete in an increasingly globalized world, Maine Law students can benefit from opportunities to learn the laws of jurisdictions other than the United States. They also need opportunities to become familiar with other cultures and languages, and to understand how culture and language affect the practice of law, whether in a transnational environment or in a purely domestic practice. Maine Law also recognizes that students may wish to specialize in the law of a particular country or region, or to study a legal specialty that is not offered at the Law School. Exchange programs are a way for students to gain a valuable international perspective and develop a foundation in international law that will be important regardless of where the student ultimately practices law.
Maine Law’s international and national exchange programs offer exciting opportunities for students to expand their studies beyond our classrooms. Our agreements with universities in Iceland, France, Norway, China, and Ireland allow students to experience a semester abroad. Students who study through these exchange programs will gain a valuable international perspective and develop a foundation in international law.
We offer international exchanges with the following institutions:
- Cergy Paris University (France)
- Reykjavik University School of Law (Iceland)
- UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Tromsø, Norway)
- Université Le Mans (Le Mans, France)
- University of Tasmania School of Law
- University of Galway (Ireland)
The international and national exchange programs are open to students in good academic standing who have finished the first year of law school. Students who are studying through an established exchange program earn Maine Law credit and pay tuition and fees to Maine Law. Financial aid will be adjusted for any increased expenses associated with the exchanges. For information about semester abroad programs, please contact the Student Affairs. Students may also connect with Student Affairs to discuss opportunities for study through a program offered by another ABA accredited institution, or in spending a semester or a year as a visiting student at another law school.