Maine Law welcomes its largest class in nearly two decades 

This fall, the University of Maine School of Law welcomes its largest incoming class in nearly two decades. 

Maine Law’s Class of 2027 is made up of 98 students from 27 states, including Maine. The average age of the incoming class is 26, the same as last year’s incoming cohort. The average LSAT score and GPA for this class is 157 and 3.66, respectively, and many of the students come to Maine Law from other schools within the University of Maine System, as well as regional schools like Bates, Colby, Clark, and Dartmouth, to name only a few. Women make up 63% of the Class of 2027, and 48% of the incoming students are from Maine.

The Class of 2027 during orientation

“Every year we welcome a new class at Maine Law that adds a wealth of experiences and perspectives to the law school community and, ultimately, Maine’s legal profession,” Maine Law President and Dean Leigh Saufley said. “This class is historic in many ways, for its size, diversity of experiences, and because the state and the country have never needed passionate, committed lawyers more than now. This class size is also in step with increasing enrollment numbers across the University of Maine System.” 

Dean of Student Services and Director of Admissions, Caroline Wilshusen, said orientation is one of the most exhilarating times of the year for her and many at Maine Law. 

“A favorite tradition at Maine Law is our introduction of the incoming class. Each student introduces themselves to their new community, sharing a bit about their background and their purpose in pursuing a law degree. The introductions are inspiring and motivating for the full Maine Law community.”

During a welcome reception on Wednesday evening, University of Maine System Chancellor Dannel Malloy, who attended Boston College Law School, said those going into a legal profession will be essential to the success of democracy in the U.S. in the coming years. He added that he envied the challenges and opportunities ahead of the Class of 2027.