Maine Law has seen robust employment outcomes for its last several classes. At 10 months after graduation, 87.06% of Maine Law’s class of 2023 reported employment in long-term, full-time positions that either require bar passage or for which their J.D. provides an advantage, a number that exceeds the national average of 85.6%.
Our 2023 graduates work in a wide variety of settings and fields, with a robust 13.75% of employed graduates serving in judicial clerkships immediately after graduation, 15.00% entering public interest work, and almost 9% choosing to pursue opportunities in small-town Maine.
employed 10 months
after graduation*
in judicial clerkships*^
with public interest employers*^
in long-term, full-time bar-passage-required or JD-advantage positions*
Other states: Massachusetts, New York, California, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Colorado, Arizona
Post-grad employment reflects graduates’ interest in family law, criminal prosecution and defense, civil litigation, energy and environmental law, immigration law, business and transactional law, data protection law, rural practice, labor law, and much, much more.
* data reflects graduates’ employment status as of March 15, 2024, as reported to the American Bar Association
^ percentage of employed graduates
While most of our students do not pursue employment at large law firms in large markets, our graduates find solid positions in law or law-adjacent fields where they can make a meaningful contribution to their communities and clients.
The state where the majority of Maine Law graduates employed after graduation should come as no surprise: on average, 60 to 80% of our graduates each year find employment right here in Maine. But there’s nowhere you can’t go with a Maine Law degree. Our recent graduates have found fulfilling careers across the U.S., from Alaska to Texas to D.C. to California.
Find additional years of employment data on our Consumer Information page.